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10 Reasons Why WWE Are Bringing Back The Undertaker

7. He Only Has A Few Matches Left In Him

The Undertaker is 50 years old and only has a few more matches in his wrestling career. Nobody can wrestle forever and few guys wrestle regularly into their 50s. Ric Flair is one of the few wrestlers that wrestled all through his 50s, but he’s a freak in a good way.
Since Father Time is ticking, Taker has to know as well as anybody that he can’t plan on wrestling past next year’s WrestleMania because you never know what the body will feel like in 2017, 2018 and so on. He can train all he wants, but if he reaches the point where one more bump causes a lot of pain then it’s time to call it a career. It’s not like he needs the money since he’s probably got millions of dollars in the bank as a top WWE star for 25 years.



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