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10 Future WWE Champions That Would Be A Sign Of The Apocalypse

5. Stardust/Cody Rhodes

Like Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes has spent many years in WWE — he debuted on Raw on July 2, 2007. Unlike Kingston, Cody has been given repeated chances to become a star, and none of them have stuck.
Debuting as a young blue-chipper with a famous name, Cody looked set to be the next Randy Orton — especially when he turned heel and joined with Orton as a protege. As Legacy, Rhodes, Orton, and Ted Dibiase, Jr. ran roughshod over the Raw brand in 2009. However, WWE decision-makers favored DiBiase as the group’s breakout star. In the end, Orton was on top after the split, and both youngsters were left floundering.



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